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It is almost 200 million years old, but there is a best-before date on the salt that we buy in the supermarket. At least, that is the case with iodised salt. However, it cannot spoil because it contains no unbound water. For that is what can make bacteria multiply, a process which makes food go off. Sugar and many types of vinegar can also be kept for unlimited periods if they are stored properly. This is actually true of water, too. Nonetheless, there are also best-before dates on mineral water. The law makes this mandatory. For example, water in plastic bottles usually shows that it can be kept for a year, while in glass bottles it can be kept for two years. However, experts know that nothing can happen to the water, especially if it is in sealed bottles. So anyone who recognises the following phenomenon can breathe a sigh of relief.
How often are we at the wheel of a car and open a bottle of water, take a few sips and leave the drink on the passenger seat for weeks or even months? Then, during the next hot spell or while sitting in traffic, it happens. We reach out for this opened bottle and take a deep gulp. It's the same thing with bottles of water that we leave on the office desk after opening. It's no danger to our health. Because water contains nothing that can go bad. However it does usually taste flat, or even musty. So if you would rather have a pure, sweet-tasting refreshment in your car or office, you should bear two things in mind. Water should be kept in a glass bottle if possible, and kept cool. For purest water enjoyment, add a SecoSan Stick to your water. The SecoSan Stick will keep it fresh and clean, and bind the oxygen. For an enjoyable and refreshing drink – any time!